(saveFormat "2.3") (date "Fri 15/Nov/2002 12:39:49 ") (veerev "6.01") (platform "PC") (execMode ole) (filterNAN 0) (workspaceStackingOrder M) (SaveCF no) (device 0 ROOTCONTEXT (activexControls (activexControl 1 (libid "{4DE9E2A3-150F-11CF-8FBF-444553540000}") (desc "DriverLINX ActiveX Controls") (filename "C:\\DrvLINX4\\Common\\DlxOCX32.ocx") (verMajor 4) (verMinor 0) (lcid 0))) (properties (trigMode deg) (nextID 148) (popupTitleText "KPCI-PDISO8A Example") (popupMoveable 1)) (deviceList (UserFunctions (nextID 2) (context 1 (properties (name "SetupServiceRequests") (trigMode deg) (nextID 12) (popupTitleText "UserObject") (popupMoveable 1)) (deviceList (configuration)) (contextCarrier (active detail) (detail (extent 698 398) (anchorPt 273 145) (configuration))))) (device 1 ACTIVEXCONTROL (properties (name "DriverLINXSR: DriverLINXSR1") (variableName "DriverLINXSR1") (objectType "DlsrLib.DriverLINXSR")) (implementation (state 17 #H0000040000000000000000004000000001 ))) (device 14 START25 (properties (name "Open Driver and Init"))) (device 55 FORMULA (properties (name "OpenDriverLINXDriver") (expr 6 "// ----- AddRequestGroupInitialize ----------------------" "DriverLINXSR1.Req_DLL_name = \"kpciiso\"; // Open driver;" "" "" "" "")) (interface (output 1 (name "Result") (tag "Result") (lock name constraints) (optional yes)))) (device 72 FORMULA (properties (name "InitializeDriverLINXDevice [SR1]") (expr 10 "// Initialize the hardware" "DriverLINXSR1.Req_device = 0; // Note: Logical device must agree with setting in Config Panel" "DriverLINXSR1.Req_subsystem = DL_DEVICE;" "DriverLINXSR1.Req_mode = DL_OTHER;" "DriverLINXSR1.Req_op = DL_INITIALIZE;" "// ----- .Refresh method will carry out the task---------------" "DriverLINXSR1.Refresh();" "" "resultCode=DriverLINXSR1.Res_result();" "DriverLINXSR1.message;")) (interface (output 1 (name "resultCode") (optional yes)) (output 2 (name "Result") (tag "Result") (lock name constraints) (optional yes)))) (device 94 FORMULA (properties (name "CmdWrite_Click() [SR1]") (expr 8 "DriverLINXSR1.Req_subsystem = DL_DO;" "DriverLINXSR1.Sel_chan_start = 1; " "DriverLINXSR1.Res_Sta_ioValue=A;" "// ----- .Refresh ----------------------" "DriverLINXSR1.Refresh(); " "" "" "") ) (interface (input 1 (name "A") (optional yes)) (output 1 (name "Result") (tag "Result") (lock name constraints) (optional yes)))) (device 97 CONSTANT (properties (name "Out") (autoTrigger 1)) (interface (output 1 (name "Int32") (lock name constraints))) (implementation (value Int32 (data 0)) (initValue Int32 (data 0)))) (device 121 FORMULA (properties (name "CloseDriverLINXDriver") (expr 4 "// ----- AddRequestGroupInitialize ----------------------" "DriverLINXSR1.Req_DLL_name = \"\";" "" "")) (interface (output 1 (name "Result") (tag "Result") (lock name constraints) (optional yes)))) (device 122 START25 (properties (name "Close Drivers"))) (device 127 CONTEXT (properties (name "Development Notes") (trigMode deg) (nextID 2) (popupTitleText "UserObject") (showPopupTitle 0) (popupMoveable 1)) (deviceList (device 0 NOTE (properties (name "Development Notes") (text2 34 " This Example shows how to read the value of digital inputs or" " to control the relays of a Keithley KPCI-PDISO8A using " " the Service Request API of DriverLINX. " "" " The process requires use of a service routine (DriverLINXSR)" " which is an ActiveX control that is installed by the DriverLINX" " driver CD." "" " Steps:" " There are five steps required to set up the DriverLINX drivers " " to send/get data at a specific channel:" "" " 1. Open DriverLINX Driver. Supply the correct driver name," " kpiiso for KPCI-PDISO8A, to avoid the OpenDriver dialog." " " " 2. Initialize the configured device (hardware). Use the device" " number assigned in the DriverLINX Configuration Panel (default" " value is 0)." " " " 3. Set Up Service Request for a POLLED mode task using a single" " channel and no buffers." " " "4. Read or Write: carry out a START operation on the DI" " subsystem\'s channel 0 to read in the value of isolated" " inputs. Or use the DO subsystem with channel 1 to control" " the state of the relays on KPCI-PDISO8A." "" "5. Close Drivers when done." "" "NOTE: with modification of the channel numbers, this example is" " is suitable also for the KPCI-PIO32IOA. It has two channels" " if digital inputs: 0 and 1. The relays are channel numbers" " 2 and 3 of the DL_DO subsystem. " ""))) (device 1 CONFIRM25 (properties (name "Close")) (interface (output 1 (name "Go") (lock name constraints))) (implementation)) (configuration) (ShowOnExecPanel (relativeOrigin 249 123))) (contextCarrier (active detail) (panel (extent 520 441) (widget 1 detail (relativeOrigin 220 400) (title off) (borderStyle none) (extent 70 30)) (widget 0 detail (relativeOrigin 10 10) (bg "Lightest Gray") (title on) (titleBg "Darkest Purple") (titleFg "White") (borderStyle flat) (extent 496 358) (editing disabled)) (panelBg "Light Pink")) (detail (extent 636 504) (anchorPt 0 0) (configuration (devCarrierFor 0 (active icon) (icon (extent 119 51) (iconImage "notepad.icn")) (open (extent 499 358) (editing enabled)) (pinCenter 290 230)) (devCarrierFor 1 (active open) (icon (extent 37 0)) (open (extent 47 22)) (title off) (pinCenter 270 440))) (stackingOrder 1 0)))) (device 128 START25 (properties (name "Notes"))) (device 130 FORMULA (properties (name "CmdWrite_Click() [SR1]") (expr 7 "// ----- .Refresh ----------------------" "DriverLINXSR1.Req_subsystem = DL_DI;" "DriverLINXSR1.Sel_chan_start = 0; " "DriverLINXSR1.Refresh(); " "DriverLINXSR1.Res_Sta_ioValue; //Read in Port value" "" "")) (interface (output 1 (name "Result") (tag "Result") (lock name constraints) (optional yes)))) (device 131 TEXTDISPLAY (properties (name "Port")) (interface (input 1 (name "Data")))) (device 136 START25 (properties (name "Read DI Channel 0"))) (device 138 START25 (properties (name "Write Value to DO Channel 1 (Relays)"))) (device 143 LABEL (properties (name "KPCI-PDISO8A Panel for HP-VEE using DriverLINX Service Request API") (labelValue "KPCI-PDISO8A Panel for HP-VEE using DriverLINX Service Request API" )) (implementation)) (device 144 LABEL (properties (name "Use ohm meter to see change of state of the Relays") (labelValue "Use ohm meter to see change of state of the Relays")) (implementation)) (device 146 FORMULA (properties (name "SetupDriverLINXSingleValueIO [SR1] (pg 6)") (expr 31 "// ----- AddRequestGroupStart (pg 35) ----------------------" "DriverLINXSR1.Req_subsystem = DL_DI; // Digital Input" "DriverLINXSR1.Req_mode = DL_POLLED; " "DriverLINXSR1.Req_op = DL_START;" "" "// ----- AddTimingEventNullEvent (pg 33) ----------------------" "DriverLINXSR1.Evt_Tim_type = DL_NULLEVENT;" "DriverLINXSR1.Evt_Str_type = DL_NULLEVENT;" "DriverLINXSR1.Evt_Stp_type = DL_NULLEVENT;" "" "// ----- AddSelectSingleChannel (pg 40) ----------------------" "DriverLINXSR1.Sel_chan_format = DL_tNATIVE;" "DriverLINXSR1.Sel_chan_N = 1; // Note: Must be 1" "DriverLINXSR1.Sel_chan_start = 0; " "DriverLINXSR1.Sel_chan_stop = 0; " "DriverLINXSR1.Sel_chan_startGainCode = 0;" "" "// ----- AddSelectBuffers (pg. 36) ----------------------" "DriverLINXSR1.Sel_buf_samples = 0;" "DriverLINXSR1.Sel_buf_N = 0; " "DriverLINXSR1.Sel_buf_notify = DL_NOEVENTS;" "" "// ----- AddSelectFlags (pg. 35) ----------------------" "DriverLINXSR1.Sel_taskFlags = NO_SERVICESTART Or NO_SERVICEDONE;" "" "// ----- .Refresh ----------------------" "//DriverLINXSR1.Refresh();" "" "//resultCode=DriverLINXSR1.Res_result();" "//DriverLINXSR1.Message();" "")) (interface (output 1 (name "Result") (tag "Result") (lock name constraints) (optional yes)))) (device 147 LABEL (properties (name " KEITHLEY ") (labelValue " KEITHLEY ")) (implementation)) (configuration (connect D1:0 D2:0) (connect D2:0 D3:0) (connect D5:1 D4:1) (connect D13:0 D5:0) (connect D7:0 D6:0) (connect D9:0 D8:0) (connect D12:0 D10:0) (connect D10:1 D11:1) (connect D3:0 D16:0))) (contextCarrier (wndOrigin 26 23) (wndState res) (active panel) (panel (extent 611 282) (gridSize 5) (widget 13 detail (relativeOrigin 155 135) (bg "Med Light Gray") (fg "Darkest Gray") (font "Arial" 14 bold) (title off) (borderStyle none) (extent 311 31)) (widget 12 detail (relativeOrigin 155 80) (bg "Med Light Gray") (fg "Darkest Gray") (font "Arial" 14 bold) (title off) (borderStyle none) (extent 311 26)) (widget 14 detail (relativeOrigin 155 20) (bg "Light Beige") (fg "Beige") (title off) (borderStyle none) (extent 436 21) (just l)) (widget 15 detail (relativeOrigin 155 185) (bg "Teal") (fg "Darkest Gray") (font "Arial" 14 bold) (title off) (borderStyle none) (extent 381 21) (just l)) (widget 1 detail (relativeOrigin 15 80) (bg "Dark Teal") (fg "White") (font "Arial" 12 bold) (title off) (borderStyle none) (extent 126 30)) (widget 7 detail (relativeOrigin 15 130) (bg "Dark Teal") (fg "White") (font "Arial" 12 bold) (title off) (borderStyle none) (extent 126 30)) (widget 11 detail (relativeOrigin 475 80) (bg "Lightest Gray") (fg "Darkest Gray") (title off) (borderStyle flat) (extent 51 21) (formatter (realFormat fixed) (realSigDigits 4) (realRadixSpec 2) (integerBase hexadecimal)) (scFont "Arial" 14 bold)) (widget 5 detail (relativeOrigin 475 135) (bg "Med Orange") (title off) (borderStyle flat) (extent 51 26) (showFormat int) (formatter (realFormat standard) (realSigDigits 4) (realRadixSpec 4) (integerBase hexadecimal))) (widget 9 detail (relativeOrigin 15 185) (bg "Dark Teal") (fg "White") (font "Arial" 12 bold) (title off) (borderStyle none) (extent 126 31)) (widget 17 detail (relativeOrigin 20 20) (bg "Red") (fg "White") (font "Arial Black" 16) (title off) (borderStyle none) (extent 116 21) (just l)) (panelBg "Teal")) (detail (extent 866 586) (anchorPt 107 1019) (configuration (devCarrierFor 1 (active open) (icon (extent 179 0)) (open (extent 215 57)) (pinCenter 580 -940)) (devCarrierFor 14 (active open) (icon (extent 112 0)) (open (extent 123 24)) (title off) (pinCenter 360 -890)) (devCarrierFor 55 (active icon) (icon (extent 132 25)) (open (extent 594 107)) (terminals on) (titleBg "Yellow") (pinCenter 360 -850)) (devCarrierFor 72 (active icon) (icon (extent 189 25)) (open (extent 545 307)) (terminals on) (titleBg "Yellow") (pinCenter 360 -800)) (devCarrierFor 94 (active icon) (icon (extent 143 25)) (open (extent 275 207)) (terminals on) (titleBg "Yellow") (pinCenter 260 -640)) (devCarrierFor 97 (active open) (icon (extent 23 0)) (open (extent 113 29) (showFormat int) (formatter (realFormat standard) (realSigDigits 4) (realRadixSpec 4) (integerBase hexadecimal))) (pinCenter 80 -640)) (devCarrierFor 121 (active icon) (icon (extent 135 25)) (open (extent 345 292)) (terminals on) (titleBg "Yellow") (pinCenter 160 -820)) (devCarrierFor 122 (active open) (icon (extent 82 0)) (open (extent 95 25)) (title off) (pinCenter 160 -870)) (devCarrierFor 127 (active icon) (icon (extent 129 56)) (open (extent 520 441) (carbonCopy)) (terminals on) (bg "Light Blue Gray") (titleBg "Light Pink") (pinCenter -10 -800)) (devCarrierFor 128 (active open) (icon (extent 37 0)) (open (extent 47 22)) (title off) (pinCenter 0 -870)) (devCarrierFor 130 (active icon) (icon (extent 143 25)) (open (extent 285 107)) (terminals on) (titleBg "Yellow") (pinCenter 50 -530)) (devCarrierFor 131 (active open) (icon (extent 26 0)) (open (extent 121 22) (formatter (realFormat standard) (realSigDigits 4) (realRadixSpec 4) (integerBase hexadecimal))) (pinCenter 250 -530)) (devCarrierFor 136 (active open) (icon (extent 23 0)) (open (extent 215 25)) (title off) (pinCenter 30 -580)) (devCarrierFor 138 (active open) (icon (extent 225 0)) (open (extent 265 25)) (title off) (pinCenter 80 -710)) (devCarrierFor 143 (active open) (icon (extent 430 0)) (open (extent 435 25) (just l)) (title off) (pinCenter 190 -960)) (devCarrierFor 144 (active open) (icon (extent 272 0)) (open (extent 405 27) (just l)) (title off) (pinCenter 180 -920)) (devCarrierFor 146 (active icon) (icon (extent 259 25)) (open (extent 536 198)) (terminals on) (titleBg "Dark Yellow") (pinCenter 360 -760)) (devCarrierFor 147 (active open) (icon (extent 75 0)) (open (extent 75 25) (just l)) (title off) (pinCenter 20 -1000)) (connect D1:0 D2:0 (points 2 360 -876 360 -865)) (connect D2:0 D3:0 (points 2 360 -835 360 -815)) (connect D5:1 D4:1 (points 2 139 -640 186 -640)) (connect D13:0 D5:0 (points 2 80 -695 80 -675)) (connect D7:0 D6:0 (points 2 160 -855 160 -835)) (connect D9:0 D8:0 (points 4 0 -857 0 -850 -10 -850 -10 -831)) (connect D12:0 D10:0 (points 4 30 -565 30 -550 50 -550 50 -545)) (connect D10:1 D11:1 (points 2 124 -530 187 -530)) (connect D3:0 D16:0 (points 2 360 -785 360 -775))) (stackingOrder 9 1 2 3 13 12 5 7 11 16 4 10 8 6 0 15 14 17)) (numberFormats (realFormat standard) (realSigDigits 4) (realRadixSpec 4) (integerBase decimal))))